July 25, 2007

You "Ask", I Answer: Food Courts

Unfortunately, I think [the shortage of healthy options at the Bronx Zoo and other food courts is] due to convenience. I bet it's much easier (and cheaper) to keep frozen hamburger meat than fruit/veggies/dairy. There's less of a chance the frozen stuff will go bad. As for the hamburger buns? No idea. I worry what kind of preservatives are in it to keep it "fresh."

-- Anonymous

A great point to bring up. It is true that frozen items with long shelf lives are preferred over foods that spoil in a matter of days.

That being said, here is some healthy fare that shouldn't cause any problems for the zoo's business model.

Fruit smoothies (using frozen berries -- no ice needed! -- and long shelf-like milk)

Soy patties (frozen, just like hamburgers)

Healthy stir-frys (frozen chicken breasts + frozen vegetables. Added bonu
s: brown rice, which has a long shelf life).

Whole wheat hamburger buns (most people can't tell the difference, and the extra fiber won't hurt them)

Small boxes of raisins and small bags of pre-sliced apples (just like Subway sells)

Plain unbuttered popcorn

Healthy energy bars (i.e.: Lara, Clif Nectar)

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