September 11, 2007

Numbers Game: Answer

Which of the following provides eight grams of fiber (approximately 25% of the daily recommended amount for someone consuming 2,000 calories a day)?

Give it up for the cup of raspberries, ladies and gentlemen!

By the way, you would need to pop EIGHTEEN Metamucil pills to get that much fiber. I still don't understand why some people looking to increase their fiber intake resort to a measly amount in pill form than a delicious, whole food source.

For an extra fiber boost, add berries to a bowl of high fiber cereal or enjoy a berry fruit salad (combine blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries) as a side dish to your whole grain toast in the morning.

As for the other possible answers, here is how they rank on the fiber chart:

1 cup of oatmeal: 3 grams
1 medium orange: 3 grams
1 cup of steamed spinach: 4 grams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, 18 pills?? they have hardly any fiber per pill then!

anyways, does soy protein have the same number of calories per gram (4) as regular protein does?