June 11, 2007

All-Star of the Day: Artichokes

Artichokes might look funny, but they certainly have a good heart!

In fact, just half a cup of their hearts provides 5 grams of fiber, 14% of our Vitamin C requirements, 11% of our folate needs, 16% of our recommended Vitamin K intake, and 13% of our magnesium requirements – all in a measly 42-calorie package.

And that’s just the beginning! As many of you now know, the power of vegetables lies in their antioxidants – and artichokes certainly deliver.

One especially promising antioxidant they contain is silymarin. Among other things, it has been found to maintain liver health and, as published in a 2001 study by Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Dermatology, helps lower our risk of developing a variety of skin cancers.

Meanwhile, another antioxidant found in artichokes known as cynarin helps curb bad and total cholesterol levels while also supporting liver healthy by aiding in the regeneration of healthy tissue.

I highly recommend steaming them (to prevent the loss of the B vitamins and vitamin C) and then add to a frittata or stir-fry.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

how do you add them to a stir fry? Do you just eat the heart? I usually eat the bottom of the leaf with my teeth... but can more of it be eaten?
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