October 23, 2007

In The News: Eat Less, Feel Full

This article published in today's New York Times reports back on a study by the Obesity Society, in which" 26 children at a child-care center [were fed] breakfast, lunch and snack, and [given] take-home dinners and snacks. The same menu was served each week, but one week the kids were given low-fat and low-sugar versions of the foods as well as more vegetables. The changes included 1 percent milk instead of whole, fruit served in juice instead of syrup, and pasta made with low-fat dairy and pureed vegetables."

The result? They consumed 400 less calories over the two days in which they were served healthier fare.

In essence, they had the same amount (by weight) of food -- but less calories -- and still felt full.

I suspect this has to do with the healthier fare containing more fiber (which helps promote feelings of satiety) and, above all, tasting good.

These children don't know what 'calories' are; their food choices are made exclusively on taste. Make nutritious, lower-calorie meals tasty and appealing to the palate (i.e: blend cauliflower, garlic, and olive oil in a food processor and pour it over pasta, rather than give a 5-year-old a side of steamed cauliflower) and they will be eaten.

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