October 21, 2007

Numbers Game: Answer

According to research by the Food and Drug Administration, the average adult in the United States consumes 8.1 grams of trans fats a day.

NOTE: While avoiding trans fats altogether is the most advisable suggestion, the recommended maximum daily intake is set at two grams.

An average daily intake four hundred percent above the established limit is certainly cause for concern.

Trans fats -- fats that are partially hydrogenated, making them more shelf-stable -- have been linked to higher levels of bad cholesterol and elevated risk of coronary heart disease.

The main culprits? Baked goods. Commercial cakes, pies, cookies, and cupcakes often contain shortening, the king of partial hydrogenation.

Although some fast-food establishments -- like Chik-Fil-A -- do not fry in partially hydrogenated oils, the same can't be said for some of its counterparts.

A medium order of McDonald's french fries packs in 5.4 grams of trans fats! That same order at Burger King still provides a disturbing 200% of the "Danger! do not cross" trans fat limit.

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