April 26, 2008

Down with Dieting

Over the next few weeks, I will share tips on establishing healthy eating protocols on YouTube.

Installment one is up (and featured at the end of this post).

In it, I summarize my concerns with most diets, and instead focus on fine tuning your eating habits and behaviors to make reaching your goals a healthier and more realistic process that takes into account hunger, food shopping, and emotional states.

By the way, in this video, I mention calorie tracking websites. One I highly recommend is My Calorie Counter. Free and very easy to use!

Enjoy and feel free to leave comments on this post or the YouTube page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First time visitor and I'm really impressed by your blog! I'm adding you to my blog roll- hope that's alright!! Thanks for all of the great information, tips, and recipes! I will definitely be a frequent reader!