April 29, 2008

Smart Supplementation

Although getting nutrients from foods is optimal, there are times and situations in which supplementation is recommended.

Supplementation goes far beyond chewing or swallowing a pill upon waking up or before going to bed, though.

Take calcium, for example.

The best supplemental calcium is in the form of calcium citrate.

Taking a calcium supplement containing more than 500 milligrams? You're doing yourself a disservice.

Although the daily value for the majority of the population is set at 1,000 milligrams, our bodies can assimilate no more than half of that at one time.

If you are supplementing calcium, it is a smart move to consume it in 300 or 400 milligram quantities two or three times a day than to down a supplement containing more than 500 milligrams in one sitting.

It's also highly recommended you take your calcium supplement with a meal, as this reduces transit time, thereby resulting in more efficient absorption.

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