April 4, 2008

Numbers Game: Answer

According to the United States Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines Scientific Advisory Committee, 93 percent of the United States population does not meet the daily requirement for Vitamin E.

Since Vitamin E plays an important role as an antioxidant, low intake levels allow free radicals more of an opportunity to advance cellular damage.

It is worth nothing that this statistic is not relaying that 93 percent of the population has a vitamin E deficiency.

However, failing to meet daily requirements still has health consequences.

Adults need 15 milligrams (22 International Units) a day, and can rely on seeds, nuts, oils, and vegetables as good sources.

Take a look at this table, outlining the percentage of the daily value contributed by some foods:

Fortified cereals (1 cup): 50 - 70%
Almonds (1 oz.): 40%

Sunflower seeds (1 oz.): 30%
Peanut buter (2 Tbsp.): 20%

Tomato sauce (1/2 cup): 15%
Avocado (1 whole): 15%

Olive oil (1 Tbsp.): 12/5%
Broccoli (cooked, 1/2 cup): 6%

Spinach (cooked, 1/2 cup): 6%
Mango slices (1/2 cup): 6%

Collard greens (cooked, 1/2 cup): 5%

Why swallow a pill when you can eat delicious foods in the name of health?

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