January 31, 2009

You Ask, I Answer: Whole Grain Mustard

I feel silly asking this question, but since I can remain anonymous, I'll ask it anyway.

Is whole grain mustard an actual whole grain?

In other words, does one serving of it (two tablespoons) count as a whole grain?

-- (Name Withheld)
New York, NY

Whole grain mustard is not an actual whole grain.

The term is used to differentiate between mustard varieties made from ground-up seeds of the mustard plant (which, by the way, is in the same family of plants as broccoli and cauliflower) and those that contain the seeds in their whole, unadulterated form.

That said, mustard seeds can add a pinch of nutrition to a meal.

Two teaspoons, for instance, pack in 12 percent of the Daily Value of selenium and 6 percent of the manganese and phosphorus you need each day.

One easy way to enjoy mustard seeds in a dish is by crusting your protein of choice (tofu, tempeh, tuna steaks, etc.) with them.

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